Capable Inc. is Teaching Carbine and Pistol
Saturday, September 8
9am - 4pm
Guest instruction! Sign up, don't want to miss this one!
Capable Inc. finds its roots in the 22 years of Special Operations experience of owner Tony Cowden. As the name infers, they will expound upon the solid foundations and proven methods of Comp|EDGE Training but offer integrated platforms that provide an in depth look at the what it takes to be successful at your most important and loftiest goals.
This course will cover…
– Weapon and equipment considerations
& set up
– Combat Marksmanship
– Weapon Manipulations
– Carry, Ready, Draw, Transition to pistol,
– Defensive Techniques
– Moving and shooting
– Use of cover
Click the link below for more information, requirements, cost
and to sign up.
MCTA Inc. is dedicated to training you to your full potential in firearms and tactical training. We bring you and the actual operator together so that you learn from the men who do this for a living.
For more information about this class or any other classes offered by MCTA Inc.
surf our website or call us at:
MCTA Shooting Evolved is waiting on you!
Michael Honkala
Director of Operations, MCTA Range Inc.